About MedUS Medical
Vision - sustainable healthcare solutions
Mission - to provide the most advanced solutions for the daily work of medical professionals
Values, and guiding principles:
- Ethical business practice
- Long-term value-based partnership with customers
- Motivating working environment
MedUS Medical identity
Med - medical
The company's field of activity, employees' education, profession, hobbies, and work. Our employees have a medical background or years of experience in the field.
US - we
You - our customers, and we - our employees, become a common “we".
MedUS Medical positioning
International company partnering with the world's most renowned medical equipment manufacturers.
We have a broad and responsible approach to the world’s most advanced medical equipment needs and solutions.
Together with the medical academic community, we organise seminars, training courses and conferences - we develop together.
MedUS Medical promise
Provide innovative, high-quality products, services and solutions.
Collaborate, evolve, innovate, develop, sustain.
Listen, Care, Help.
Turn every customer into a partner.
MedUS Medical team
The team consists of 48 highly valued professionals. Surrounded by a good working climate, they are hard-working, creative, happy, and constantly improving.
The company’s main office is in Kaunas, with branches in Riga, Tallinn and Warsaw.
We will be competent and helpful to You in the following areas:
Radiological and ultrasound diagnostics
Laboratory diagnostics
Endoscopic diagnostics
Cardiological, obstetric and gynecological diagnostics
Life support equipment
Equipment for operating theatres and sterilization rooms
Veterinary equipment
We consult, install, maintain, and develop.

Contact information
Central Office in Lithuania
Veiveriu str. 153
Kaunas, LT-46417, Lithuania
+370 665 22922